Violation Lawyers
For over 30 years, Cohen Hochman & Allen has been the leading municipal and administrative law firm in New York City. We have obtained more violation dismissals and appeal decisions than any other consulting firm. Our attorneys have a reputation for being fighters and we get results!
Our Practice
Leaders in Administrative Law
We handle a variety of administrative hearings, compliance and certifications, criminal matters, and litigation.
Our attorneys have a combined 70 years of varied experience; our staff includes a former director of DOB (AEU) Enforcement, two former senior prosecuting attorneys for DOB, a former administrative law judge, and a former assistant attorney general.
We Have Moved!
CHA is now located at 150 Broadway, Suite 1703, New York, NY, 10038
phone: (212) 566-7081 | email: CHA@violationlawyers.com | fax: (212) 566-7406
CHA and the Covid-19 Response
Dear clients and friends,
As many of you know, the current health crisis has not stopped NYC’s regulatory enforcement efforts and the issuance of new violations. In recent weeks, Cohen Hochman & Allen has seen an influx of new issuances against our clients by various City agencies including FDNY, Dept of Buildings, and Dept of Sanitation.
Partner Bradley Green, Esq. is Quoted in The Real Deal
Partner Bradley Green, featured in The Real Deal, discusses his victory in an important transient occupancy case: https://therealdeal.com/2020/05/12/judge-backs-airbnb-host-over-city-leave-the-poor-guy-alone/
Get in Touch
We’re Here to Fight For You
For more information about how we can help you, contact the violation lawyers at Cohen Hochman & Allen!